Personal Work
Wolf AI
Wolf AI whose behaviour adapts to different needs.
It is controlled by a generic state machine.
The needs have a priority order, meaning that the wolf would stop searching for a prey if it gets too tired to continue. In order they are:
Each need has a value that decreases over time, but they can also be controlled from the inspector.
Main States:
Search for target (when it needs to fulfill a need)
Can search for: Shelter to replenish energy, Water source to replenish thirst, and Prey to replenish hunger.
Approach (when target is found)
Once the target is reached, it will transition to the appropriate state depending on the target type:
Attack for a prey that's still alive. It will be followed by Eat once the prey's health reaches 0.
Eat for a prey that's already dead
Drink for a water source
Rest for a shelter
I'm using models from Malbers Animations that are available on Unity's asset store
Generic State Machine
State machine that can be used for any type of object and re-used for multiple projects.
State class contains methods to manage transitions between the states: EnteringState, LeavingState, and UpdateState. Custom states only have to inherit from this class.
Works with the UpdateCaller. Once it's disabled (e.g when the gameObject is destroyed), the UpdateCaller will stop updating it.
Update Caller
Can be the only script to actually use Unity's Update method, allowing a better control over what's updating every frame, and in which order.
Can update generic state machines or objects that implement the IUpdatable interface.
Possibility to add an IUpdatable with a higher priority, like a GameManager, so it's Update method is called before the others.