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Personal Work


Wolf AI

Wolf AI


  • Wolf AI whose behaviour adapts to different needs. 

  • It is controlled by a generic state machine.

  • The needs have a priority order, meaning that the wolf would stop searching for a prey if it gets too tired to continue. In order they are:

  1. Energy

  2. Thirst 

  3. Hunger


Each need has a value that decreases over time, but they can also be controlled from the inspector.



Main States:

  •  Idle

  • Search for target (when it needs to fulfill a need)

  •  Can search for: Shelter to replenish energy, Water source to replenish thirst, and Prey to replenish hunger.

  • Approach (when target is found)


Once the target is reached, it will transition to the appropriate state depending on the target type:

  • Attack for a prey that's still alive. It will be followed by Eat once the prey's health reaches 0.

  • Eat for a prey that's already dead

  • Drink for a water source

  • Rest for a shelter

I'm using models from Malbers Animations that are available on Unity's asset store
State Machine

Generic State Machine


  • State machine that can be used for any type of object and re-used for multiple projects.

  • State class contains methods to manage transitions between the states: EnteringState, LeavingState, and UpdateState. Custom states only have to inherit from this class. 

  • Works with the UpdateCaller. Once it's disabled (e.g when the gameObject is destroyed), the UpdateCaller will stop updating it.


Update Caller

Update Caller


  • Can be the only script to actually use Unity's Update method, allowing a better control over what's updating every frame, and in which order.

  • Can update generic state machines or objects that implement the IUpdatable interface.

  • Possibility to add an IUpdatable with a higher priority, like a GameManager,  so it's Update method is called before the others.



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